Do you sometimes wonder why some people train so much for “just a race”? I’ve definitely asked myself many times why I’m out at dark-thirty am to do hill repeats or track sessions. But I’ve found that physical challenges not only make us physically and mentally stronger but it’s also a tremendous boost to your spiritual strength.

For many years, I’ve had a wonderful friend and early morning running buddy. Not only is she strong, reliable and kind, but she’s made good choices regarding health and fitness and has been able to run multiple marathons and even qualify for and run Boston. She was also the one who inspired me to try running marathons again and it was her who helped me train for the last 8 marathons and 2 halves. In other words, she’s an awesome gal and great friend.

However, her husband of over 20 yrs has become an abusive alcoholic. He lost his job and even though they were not sure how they could afford a good inpatient treatment program, they agreed he should go. Sadly, upon his return, he discontinued treatment and has escalated his drinking and erratic behavior in such a way it is no longer safe for her in their home.

The pandemic has compounded the nightmare as their teen daughter’s school is virtual and she is home all day too. My friend is now having to find another place for her and her daughter to live. Unfortunately, they were already sinking into debt without her husband’s income so trying to rent an apartment on top of that seems insurmountable.

Oftentimes, moving forward when you’re exhausted can feel insurmountable. In training with her for races, I’ve seen the early mornings, crazy speed drills, hill repeats, and overcoming injuries. To put forth that kind of effort in hopes that it will work out takes a special kind of dedication and faith. Through prayers, hard work and healing, when you see an ambitious goal become a reality on race day, it’s truly something to boost your faith when times get rough in other areas of life.

Sometimes people wonder why we do so much training for just a race. But it’s not just a race. Training and race day moments remind you of your strength during your hardest days when you’re not sure where the finish line lies. And the promise in Isaiah 40:29 is really brought to life when you are most challenged: “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.”

My friend and many others are praying for her family through this heartbreaking situation. Your additional prayers could really help a fellow runner out. If you also feel led to give, I’ve set up a gofundme here. Her name is not included to protect the family’s identity but anything given is greatly appreciated and will go to help provide a safe place for her and her daughter.

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