Marathon Motivation

Marathon Motivation

Ten Marathons I know I’m not the only one who is filled with excitement and nerves for the week leading up to a marathon. By the morning of the race, I’ve had more than one crazy race dream where I’ve shown up late to the start, forgotten my shoes or...
Running and Dogs

Running and Dogs

“THE PRICE OF ANYTHING IS THE AMOUNT OF LIFE YOU EXCHANGE FOR IT” — HENRY DAVID THOREAU Thoreau’s quote says our life, or time, is the ultimate thing we have to spend. However it doesn’t mention variables that can extend or shorten the life we have. If you...
Running Devotion Goes Swimming

Running Devotion Goes Swimming

Swimming and Running I enjoy triathlons but I have to admit that swimming is my weakest sport. As more of a runner, my legs are heavy and my arms are about as useful as those on the poor old t-rex. There’s even a lady at our pool who says she knows it’s me...

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